Completing contracts is the main way to progress through a Season **Seasons**: find out how they work in [Seasons](</seasons>)
**Earning Season Tokens while exploring**: [Exploring](</exploring>)
**Critters Hunting Tips**: [Critters](</critters>)
## How to get Contracts
- You get 1 new contract every 6 hours or after watching ads
- Mayoral Membership allows you to skip ads and get free unlimited Contracts
- You can reroll a contract you don't like
- You'll get Contracts for maps/zones that are in a level range equal to Your Botpack Level +-2, keep that in mind and plan ahead your Bot upgrades
### World Wide Contracts
**These tasks can be completed in any map or area**
- Scavenge 8\~15 scrap piles
- Disarm 8\~15 landmines
- Defeat 8\~11 packs of wild bots
- Defeat 8\~11 bandits
- Open 2 chests
### Zone Specific Contracts
**These tasks must be completed in specific maps or areas**
- Defeat 3 bandits controlling grapple cannons
- Defeat 3 bandits controlling energy cannons
- Defeat 3 wild bot packs of a specific type
- Defeat 3 bandits of a specific race/group
- Capture a rare turquoise scorpion
- Defeat a dangerous wild bot pack
- Extinguish 3 bandit fire signals
- Collect 3 lost supply crates
- Salvage an abandoned caravan
- Capture a rare rainbow snake
- Rescue a captured town guard
- Rescue a merchant's caravan
- Capture a rare ivory scarab
- Collect 3 repair canisters
- Destroy 3 bandit banners
- Capture 4\~7 critters\*
- Clearout a bandit camp
- Defeat a Bandit Boss
- Collect 3 toolboxes
- Collect 3 mushrooms
- Disarm 3 landmines
- Defeat a [Mega Chainer](</mega-chainer>)
- Defeat a [Mega Slicer](</mega-slicer>)
### Spawning more Enemies
Some [Contracts](</contracts>) will make more Wild Bots (e.g. “Salvage the Caravan”) or Bandits (e.g. “Rescue the Guard”, “Rescue the Caravan”) appear in their specific region. You can use that in your favor to *grind specific enemy types* in order to complete your [Codex](</codex>) tasks by beating them down without actually clearing the tasks, thus increasing their spawn density in multiple runs (do this by not salvaging that caravan or not talking to the NPC after clearing the area)

#### Using gadgets like [Bombardment](</gadgets#bombardment>) and [Shockwave](</gadgets#shockwave>) to bring their hp down will allow you to quickly beat them. Great to farm [AI exp](</ai>)
#### Remember to **NOT** salvage the caravan after clearing the enemies in the area
Side Quests
They are map-specific quest chains presented as special Contracts that'll teach you more about the history of Botworld and it's inhabitants
### Stylist's Scissors
**Location**: [Scrapper Coast](</maps#scrapper-coast>)
**Requirements**: None
- Task: Beat Mega Slash
- Reward: [Mohawk](</cosmetics>)
### Fisherman's Friend
**Location**: [Scrapper Coast](</maps#scrapper-coast>)
**Requirements**: None
- Task 01: Find the missing Fisherman
- Task 02: Defeat bandits who stoke Cinnamon's Yanky near Eagle Perch
- Reward: [Admiral Hat](</cosmetics>)
### A Thorny Issue
**Location**: [Scrapper Coast](</maps#scrapper-coast>)
**Requirements**: None
- Task 01: Prune 08 poisonous plants in Scrapper Coast
- Reward: [Slouchy Beanie](</cosmetics>)
### Hide and Seek
**Location**: [Scrapper Coast](</maps#scrapper-coast>)
**Requirements**: None
- Task 01: Find the Kid near River Run
- Reward: [Bandage Strip](</cosmetics>)
### Ancient Ruins
**Location**: [Great Desert](</maps#great-desert>)
**Requirements**: Botpack level 3
- Task 01: Salvage various antennas throughout Great Desert
- Reward: 90 Coins
### The Watchtower
**Location**: [Great Desert](</maps#great-desert>)
**Requirements**: Botpack level 3
- Task 01: Clear wild bots off construction areas near Northern Terraces
- Task 02: Collect 10 Girders scattered around Great Desert
- Task 03: Deliver the Girders to Tilly in Great Desert
- Reward: [Construction Helmet](</cosmetics>)
- Task 04: Help build the Watch Tower
- Task 05: Defend the Watch Tower in Northern Terraces
- Reward: 50 Tokens
### Secrets of Spore Woods
**Location**: [Spore Woods](</maps#spore-woods>)
**Requirements**: Botpack Lv23
- By clearing it you'll get access to [Strange Lifeform](</codex#spore-woods>) and will get one [Corrupted Epic Booster](</boosters>) as a reward
### Into the Unknown
**Location**: [Ashen Shore](</maps#ashen-shore>)
**Requirements**: Botpack Lv24
- You'll rescue Hilda's crew and hop into an epic quest to reach the lands beyond Botworld