Danger Zones are special zones that require Danger Zone Fuel to visit. Danger Zones are home to much tougher enemies and bosses as well as better rewards in the form of Danger Chests. The further from the landing spot a chest or enemy is, typically the higher level/tier it will be. Danger Zones are no laughing matter! They’re hostile, and Danger Fuel is scarce and precious. Be sure make the most out of every trip!
Danger Zone Fuel : Similar to Repair Canisters
, Danger Zone Fuel is used travel to a selected Danger Zone from the World Map. Each trip to a Danger Zone will cost a single Danger Zone Fuel. Fuel replenishes every 20h up to Boat Level 14 and replenishes 3x faster at Boat Level 15 (in practice every 8h).
Jump to section 🔹 |Tips|Frozen Wastes|Molten Rock|Vivid Valley|Scrapyard|Random Encounters|Exterminator Squads
Frozen Wastes is geographically located North of Ashen Shore, can only be reached by jetpack, and features a mix of snowy hills and icy mountain terrain.
Zone Type | Enemy Levels | Unlock |
Normal | 5-15 | Boat Level 5 |
Heroic | 20-24 | Story quest for batteries |
Exterminator | (Botpack-2)-33 | Boat Level 15 |
Molten Rock is geographically located South of the Great Desert, can only be reached by jetpack, and features a mix of molten pools of lava and active volcanoes.
Zone Type | Enemy Levels | Unlock |
Normal | 11-16 | Boat Level 8 |
Heroic | 22-26 | Story after unlocking Frozen Wastes |
Exterminator | (Botpack-2)-33 | Boat Level 15 |
Volcanic Vent: Randomly spits fireballs that deal moderate damage.
Flamethrower Vent: Sprays bursts of magma that deal heavy damage.
Vivid Valley is geographically located East of Saltwater Swamp, can only be reached by jetpack, and features a mix of poisonous cesspools and a fungus-filled jungle.
Zone Type | Enemy Levels | Unlock |
Normal | 15-19 | Boat Level 10 |
Heroic | 24-28 | Story after unlocking Molten Rock |
Exterminator | (Botpack-2)-33 | Boat Level 15 |
Poison Flower: Shoots spore bombs that slow and poison dealing low damage.
Plant Mine: Explodes like a normal mine but slows and poisons dealing low damage.
Grappling Ivy: Shoots out an ivy-whip that damages and draws the player to itself.
Scrapyard is geographically located Northeast of Saltwater Swamp, can only be reached by jetpack, and features a mix of garbage piles and dirt mounds.
Zone Type | Enemy Levels | Unlock |
Normal | 18-21 | Boat Level 12 |
Heroic | 22-33 | Story after unlocking Vivid Valley |
Exterminator | (Botpack-2)-33 | Boat Level 15 |
Scrap Cannon: Shoots 3 projectiles simultaneously that deal low damage and stun.
Danger Zones contain many points of interest, including interactions with several characters that can help the player or offer them challenges.
Bexley can be battled and rewards you for winning with loot.
Bexley: Why hello! I see you are another intrepid adventurer like myself
Player (Option A): I sure am
Player (Option B): What are you doing in the Danger Zone?
Bexley (upon picking B): Just catching my breath. That hill was quite a climb, even for a botmaster as brave and athletic as me.
Bexley: Are you searching for the Danger Zone treasure too?
Player (Option A): Yes
Player (Option B): No, just looking for some ice bot parts
Player (Option C): I already found the treasure
Bexley (upon picking A): Well I must warn you: I am certain to reach the treasure first. So you might as well give up now!
Player (Option A): You’re right, I’ll turn around and go home.
Player (Option B): You won’t beat me sitting around catching your breath all day.
Bexley (upon picking A): That’s the spirit! Leave the adventuring to real botmasters like me. Now which suitcase did I pack my mittens in? (ends encounter)
Bexley (upon picking B): How dare you! I’ll show you who’s the bravest botmaster! (Fight)
Bexley (upon picking B): A wise choice! A pipsqueak like you wouldn’t stand a chance against the bots guarding the treasure anyway.
Player (Option A): Good luck on your treasure hunt. (ends encounter)
Player (Option B): Pipsqueak?! We’ll see about that. (Fight)
Bexley (upon picking C): Pah! Only a bold and fearless botmaster like me could ever reach the summit and find the treasure. You must be mistaken.
Player (Option A): Nope, I found the treasure while you were bravely resting here.
Player (Option B): You’re right, maybe it was just some loose scrap someone dropped.
Bexley (upon picking A): How dare you! I’ll show you who’s the bravest botmaster! (Fight)
Bexley (upon picking B): Of course. You wouldn’t know the real treasure if you found it. Which you won’t, because you’re not strong and brilliant like me. (ends encounter)
(upon ending encounter)
(upon winning)
A dog mechanic offers to repair your entire red bar for coins.
Mechanic: Hey there! I see your bots are lookin’ a little worse for wear.
Mechanic: How’d ya like me to repair those scraggly-lookin’ bots for 10?
Player (Option A): Yes please (Pay 10)
Player (Option B): No thanks (ends encounter)
Mechanic: There ya go, good as new!
A merchant’s caravan has broken down and they will offer 100 coins in exchange for your repair canister energy (all of your remaining red bar).
Merchant: Help, my cart broke down! Do you have any repair canister energy left?
Player: How much do you need?
Merchant: I’ll give you 100 if you donate the rest of your repair energy to me. Then you can jetpack home and I can fix my cart.
(With enough energy)
Player (Option A): Sure (Donate all repair canister energy)
Player (Option B): Sorry, I need to keep adventuring! (ends encounter)
Merchant (after donating): Thanks so much, botmaster! You’ve really saved my bacon. I’ll see you back in Scavenger’s Landing when I’ve fixed my cart.
Player: No problem
(Without enough energy)
Player: Sorry, my tank’s empty too (ends encounter)
Trix is searching for a rare flower to give to her crush and gives you scrap to lighten her load.
* This encounter only spawns in Frozen Wastes.
Player (Option A): How romantic!
Player (Option B): That sounds pretty difficult
Trix (upon picking A): Have you seen one? It’s a little snow-coloured flower that’s rumored to blossom out here once every 3 years.
Trix (upon picking B): You’re telling me! I’ve been searching all day for a snow-coloured flower in a field of snow. Have you seen one yet?
Player: No, sorry
Trix: Dang it! All I’ve found so far is terrifying wild bots and a pile of treasure and scrap.
Player (Option A): Do you want me to take some of that scrap off your hands?
Player (Option B): I can hold some of that treasure for you if you’d like.
Trix: That’s so kind of you, it’s really slowing me down. Just tell me if you see a frost flower, okay?
Player: Will do
Ember and Flake argue about which bots are stronger: fire or ice. You can settle their dispute by claiming you can defeat any bots of that type and you will battle their team of bots. You are rewarded with loot if you win.
Bots: 2x Frosty / Icicool / Bigshot
Abilities:Snowball / Frost Missile / Icewall
Player (Option A): Sure.
Player (Option B): No thanks. (ends encounter)
Flake: Everyone knows ice abilities are the best, but this buffoon thinks fire abilities are better.
Ember: Obviously fire abilities are better! You can set the whole battlefield on fire.
Flake: But you can stop any bot on its tracks with an ice ability. It’s like scissors, paper, rock. Ice beats fire.
Ember: What do you think? Want to prove one of us right?
Player (Option A): I can beat any ice abilities in battle. (battle with Flake)
Player (Option B): I can beat any fire abilities in battle. (battle with Ember)
Player (Option C): I think I’ll stay out of it. (ends encounter)
Ember (upon picking A): Heck yeah! I can’t wait to see the look on your icy face, Flake.
Flake (upon picking B): Yes! Teach Ember a lesson about playing with fire.
Flake (upon picking C): Fair enough, kid. Come back when you’re ready to prove which one of us is right. It’s me, by the way. I’m right.
Ember: Pfft no way!
(after winning either battle)
Good old Larry is offer selling 10 Cold Batteries for 25 coins.
* This encounter only spawns in Frozen Wastes.
Larry: Hey… hey kid! You wanna buy some Cold Batteries?
Player (Option A): Larry?
Player (Option B): What on earth are you doing out here?
Player (Option C): How cold are they?
Larry (upon picking A or B): Don’t ask too many questions, kid.
Larry (upon picking C): Reeeeeeal cold. That’s why I came out here to get ‘em where they’re fresh.
Larry: The point is, I got a sack full of Cold Batteries and I need to move this merchandise quick.
Player (Option A): How much are they?
Player (Option B): Why?
Larry (upon picking B): Why do you ask so many questions? I dunno, because they’re gonna defrost or something.
Larry: Look, because you’re a friend, I’ll give you 10 Cold Batteries for 25. You interested?
Player (Option A): Sure! (Pay 25)
Player (Option B): No thanks (ends encounter)
Player (Option C): I think of us more as ‘business associates’ than ‘friends’
Larry (upon picking C): Whatever, a deal’s a deal and this one’s a steal. You want these 10 fresh Cold Batteries or not?
Player (Option A): Sure! (Pay 25)
Player (Option B): No thanks (ends encounter)
(upon ending encounter)
Mad Scientist will offer to battle you with electric bots and reward you for winning with loot.
Mad Scientist: Muahaha! My experiment is nearly complete. All I need now is a willing subject…
Player: Uh … hello?
Mad Scientist: Yes, yes, you’ll do perfectly! I just finished an experimental loadout of electric bots and abilities. Will you help me test it?
Mad Scientist: I’ll give you some scrap if you test your bots against mine. But only if your bots survive the battle, of course! Mwahaha!
Player (Option A): Sure, why not. (Fight)
Player (Option B): Maybe later. (ends encounter)
(upon winning the battle)
*Looks the exact same as the other one, but has a different effect.
Teleports the player randomly to another location in the DZ. Beware! It can teleport you on top of enemies and bosses.
Mad Scientist: Hello there botmaster! I have modified my Chaos Translocator to work on organic matter instead of bots.
Mad Scientist: Would you like to help me test it?
Player (Option A): What does your machine do exactly?
Player (Option B): Not in a million years (ends encounter)
Mad Scientist: It can teleport a willing subject to a random location in this zone.
Mad Scientist: I’ve already tested it on unwilling subjects, but now I want to test it on someone who says yes first. What do you say?
Player (Option A): Heck yes! (teleports player to random location in DZ)
Player (Option B): That sounds kinda dangerous…
Player (Option C): No way! (ends encounter)
Mad Scientist: It’s perfectly safe! Depending on where you end up teleporting to. And assuming all your internal organs teleport there too. So, ready to test it?
Player (Option A): Yes! (teleports player to random location in DZ)
Player (Option B): Maybe another time (ends encounter)
(upon teleporting)
A bandit has taken a tourist hostage! You have the choice to pay a ransom or fight to release him, or not. When released, he will give you a large amount of coins and scrap. THIS IS ALWAYS WORTH DOING, AS THE TOURIST WILL GIVE YOU BACK MORE COINS THAN YOU PAY.
6 random bots selected specific to the area
4 random abilities
Bandit: Oi botmaster. I just kidnapped this guy. Do you wanna pay his ransom?
Player (Option A): Maybe, who is he
Player (Option B): Not really (ends encounter)
(upon ending encounter)
Bandit: Eh, it was worth a shot.
Tourist: Excuse me, do you know where tourist information is?
Bandit: Some tourist. Said his travel agent booked him on an adventure holiday to the Danger Zone.
Tourist: Are you my porter? I have a lot of luggage for you to carry.
Player (Option A): I’m here to rescue you!
Player (Option B): What’s the ransom?
Player (Option C): No thanks, I’m a bit busy (ends encounter)
(upon ending encounter)
Tourist: This place smells of sulfur and I have allergies.
Bandit (upon picking A): Hey, hands off, we kidnapped him first! Finders keepers.
Player (Option A): I’m not going to kidnap him, I’m going to save him! (Fight)
Player (Option B): Fair enough. What’s the ransom?
Bandit (upon picking B in both above scenarios): Sigh. There’s nobody else around to rescue him, so we’ll say 20. What do you reckon?
Player (Option A): Okay (Pay 20)
Player (Option B): I’m not paying any ransom! (Fight)
Player (Option C): That’s outrageous! I’ll take him for 10
Player (Option D): Nah you can keep him (ends encounter)
(upon ending encounter)
Bandit: Eh, it was worth a shot.
Tourist: What an adventure! Waiter, can I order a martini while we’re waiting for someone to ransom me?
Bandit: I already told you, I’m not a waiter! Urgh.
Tourist: Hey, I’m worth more than 10! You’re rude.
Bandit: Urgh fine, 10 just to get him off my hands.
Player (Option A): Deal (Pay 10)
Player (Option B): On second thoughts, you can keep him (ends encounter)
(upon ending encounter)
Tourist: Excuse me, do you know where tourist information is?
Bandit (upon picking A): Thanks! This kidnapping went way better than I expected. See ya round.
Tourist: Thanks for helping with my bags. You can keep this one, it’s full of scrap and weighs a ton. Don’t know why I packed it haha!
Tourist: The room service is terrible here. If I survive the journey home, I’ll be leaving a 3-star review at most.
A merchant has been attacked by two bandits and it’s up to you to save them! You’ll also get a chance to buy a random special booster for 500.
* This encounter always and only spawns in the Vivid Valley Danger Zone, and there will always be 3 on the map
* Bandit level varies on the location and level of the DZ
(With enough coins)
Player (Option A): Sure! (Pay 500)
(Merchant): Here you go. Thanks again! This should cover me for the trip back to Scavenger’s Landing.
Player (Option B): Not right now, sorry.
(Merchant): Hey, not a problem, it’s tough out here for everybody. I’m sure another customer won’t be far away.
(Without enough coins)
Exterminator Squads are a difficult challenge. Exterminators are found exclusively on Danger Zone maps. Once you upgrade to Boat Level 15, your Danger Zone map menu will change to Heroic. Exterminators have 4 types : Buffalo (Frozen Wastes), Cat
(Molten Rock), Lizard
(Vivid Valley) and Dog
Super Chest each time you defeat them.
Exterminator Squads difficulty increases each time you defeat them.
Credit | Pix, Xen, cloud9, chael, Kurt, MrGold, debb, BloodxReaper, Letplz, Echio, TsengFayt