A cannon on legs. Can fire over obstacles, making it a potent bot from almost anywhere in the arena.
Type | Rarity | Acquisition |
Splasher | Rare | Random Drop |
Range: 4-10 , Attack Speed: 0.78s , Impact Radius: 2 , Energy Damage: 100% , Knockback: Small
Launches an explosive shell towards an enemy, can be fired over low heights obstacles
Range: 5-10 , Cooldown: 6s , Vortex Radius: 2 , Immobilized Duration: 0.75s
Creates a vortex on impact, pulling enemies in and temporarily holding them in place
Range: 4-10 , Cooldown: 10s , Impact Radius: 3 , Energy Damage: 533% , Knockback: Small
Deals massive damage in a large radius
AI Level 1 (500xp)
A: Power Link | B: Speed Boost |
Gives 2 botpack power when the bot enters a battle | Move Speed increased by 30% |
AI Level 2 (2000xp)
A: Extra Heavy Payload | B: Enhanced Payload |
Super shell damage increased by 40% , Super shell cooldown increased by 20% | Explosive shell damage increased by 20% |
AI Level 3 (5000xp)
C: Splash Damage | |
Explosive shell effect size increased by 20% |
AI Level 4 (14000xp)
A: Larger Vortex | B: Tight Grip |
Vortex shell effect size increased by 30% | Vortex shell immobilized duration increased by 50% |
AI Level 5 (30000xp)
A: Speedy Super | B: Sustained Super |
Super shell starts 50% charged | Super shell cooldown reduced by 20% |
Stats | Health | Attack | DPS | Speed |
Lvl 1 | 1568 | 75 | 96 | 6 |
Lvl 10 | 3301 | 117 | 226 | 6 |
Lvl 20 | 8562 | 555 | 709 | 6 |
Lvl 25 | 13790 | 739 | 943 | 6 |
Lvl 30 | 6 |
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Gold: , also Shop Prices
All materials shop value: ( with Negotiation upgrade)
Brutes smaller, long-ranged cousin. Doesn’t deal as much damage, but has ranged damage with large splashing. Has a tendency to run away a lot and not know when to stop which infuriates people that use him a lot since he’s very slow. Definitely needs a helping hand from a good tank, but performs great when he does. Tier A.
Contributors: BloodxReaper, Soft, OJ
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