Can't decide what ability to use? This bot can play a random ability for you!
Range: 10, Physical Damage: 100%, Attack Speed: 0.66s
Shuffle throws a disc across the arena
Range: 20, Cooldown: 10s, Min Ability Energy: 4, Max Ability Energy: 5
Casts a random botpack ability within a range of power costs
AI Level 1 (500xp)
A: Charge | B: Drain |
Attacks charge ultimate on hit | Attacks reduce ultimate charge on hit |
AI Level 2 (2000xp)
A: Sustain | B: Burst |
Remix cooldown reduced by 25% | Remix power cost of possible botpack abilities +1 |
AI Level 3 (5000xp)
C: Fast Forward | |
Remix starts 50% charged |
AI Level 4 (14000xp)
A: Powerlink | B: Randomized |
Gives 1 botpack power when Remix is used | 10% chance to teleport to a random location when hit by a melee attack |
AI Level 5 (30000xp)
A: Long Range | B: Brawl Mode |
Attack range increased by 20% | Attack range reduced by 30%, Health increased by 20% |
Stats | Health | Attack | DPS | Speed |
Lvl 1 | 1400 | 50 | 76 | 12 |
Lvl 10 | 2947 | 165 | 250 | 12 |
Lvl 20 | 7645 | 428 | 649 | 12 |
Lvl 25 | 12312 | 689 | 1045 | 12 |
Lvl 30 | 12 |
Gold: , also Shop Prices
All materials shop value: ( with Negotiation upgrade)
Contributors: O.J, Echio
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